Nutrino Announces Data Partnership with Medtronic And Launches First of Its Kind Nutrition Insights App for People Living With Diabetes

NEW ORLEANS, June 10, 2016 – Today, at the 76th Scientific Sessions of the American Diabetes Association, Nutrino, Inc. announced a partnership with Medtronic plc that will give people with diabetes an individualized picture of how daily food intake and other measures impact glucose levels.  People who use Medtronic continuous glucose monitors (CGM) and insulin […]

{Infographic} How Our Food May Be Making Us Depressed

Nutrition effects every part of our body (it’s obvious, I know, but say it anyway). Our friends at weigh in on how nutrition and food can go to your head and impact your mental and emotional health. I’ll let Brietta from take it from here. While it’s common knowledge that certain foods influence your […]

Nutrition’s Biggest Problem: Conflicting Advice is Everywhere

Too much protein causes cancer. Don’t eat saturated fat. Well sometimes saturated fat is okay. Eggs cause hypertension. Eggs are actually a good source of protein and vitamins. Dairy is bad for you. Pescatarianism is better than vegetarianism. Fish has high levels of mercury, definitely don’t eat it. If you were to believe everything the […]

Skipping Breakfast: What It’s Really Doing to Your Body

Personal Story: I really don’t like breakfast, breakfast foods just don’t do it for me. My mother often tried to just force some food down our throats in the morning, so that usually meant a strawberry frosted poptart, bagel with cream cheese, or a bowl of fruitloops. Not a healthy breakfast, but a breakfast nonetheless. […]

11 Foods You Should Eat to Slow the Growth of Cancer

As stated in a previous post, we all have cancer cells in our body. However, there are some foods you can eat that can slow the growth of cancer cells. Of course, we are not discounting modern cancer treatments like chemo and radiation that have helped many patients enter remission. But including these antioxidant rich foods in […]