Causes of Cancer: Genetics vs. Lifestyle {Infographic}

In previous posts, we discussed the best anticancer foods, how one can slow the growth of cancer, and of the importance of antioxidants in cancer prevention. All of these posts talk about our lifestyle and environmental factors that can cause cancer. Perhaps, cancer is in our genes and we cannot do much to prevent it. If these foods can […]

How Your Diet Can Slow the Growth of Cancer

Every year hundreds of the world’s top cancer scientists converge to discuss the latest on diet and cancer. What can you learn from them? First some background. We all have cancer cells in our body. With cancer, the quantity is what makes the difference. One cancer cell never hurts anyone, and neither will a few […]

Bad nutrition: the world’s biggest killer

Every year the CDC (Center for Disease Control and Prevention) presents the latest leading causes of death in the United States. This includes a robust analysis of the causes of death, and their breakdown in different states, genders and populations [1]. The goal of this post is not to focus on this morbid statistics. As always in Nutrino, we […]

The best anticancer vegetables

In 2008, the World Health Organisation (WHO) identified cancer as one of the four leading threats to human health and development (along with cardiovascular diseases, chronic respiratory diseases and diabetes). We previously saw that in most cases cancer is a preventable disease, and that plant-based foods slow and may even reverse the growth of cancer cells. But from […]

What’s the buzz with antioxidants?

Antioxidants are an essential component of a healthy diet. They are known to slow aging, reduce inflammation and even prevent coronary heart disease and cancer. Today, antioxidants are an active topic of research and thousands of foods were already tested for their antioxidant level. With antioxidants, the more the healthier. So where can one find […]

Nutrition and disease prevention

Unlike the situation in the first half of the 20th century, it seems like nowadays there is pretty much no doubt about the effects of smoking on our health. Most people, whether smokers or not, would agree that cigarettes promote certain diseases. In particular cancer. A very natural question to ask is, how do other […]