Nutrition’s Biggest Problem: Conflicting Advice is Everywhere

Too much protein causes cancer. Don’t eat saturated fat. Well sometimes saturated fat is okay. Eggs cause hypertension. Eggs are actually a good source of protein and vitamins. Dairy is bad for you. Pescatarianism is better than vegetarianism. Fish has high levels of mercury, definitely don’t eat it. If you were to believe everything the […]

What is the problem of conflicting nutritional advice?

How often do you read a nutrition section in a newspaper or a magazine to discover a study that tells you to eat exactly the opposite of other studies you heard about? Think about it, every day we get different conflicting nutritional advice that make healthy eating confusing and baffling. Eat meat, don’t eat meat. Drink milk, don’t drink milk. […]

More Than an Apple a Day – Preventing Our Most Common Diseases

The Institute of Medicine’s (IOM) seminal study of preventable medical errors showed that in the United States side effects from prescription drugs kill an estimated 106,000 Americans a year, the sixth leading cause of death. This is from adverse drug reactions alone. If you add in medical mistakes (which the Institute of Medicine estimates kills at […]