The way we think about weight gain and obesity is flawed. Here’s why.

The problem of obesity is growing in western countries like never before [1]. Our three biggest killers: heart disease, cancer and strokes are strongly correlated with obesity. Today we will discuss a very difficult question: what drives the obesity epidemic? The premise of this post is that the way we typically think of weight gain […]

The True Causes of Obesity {Infographic}

Dr. Michael Gregor addresses ‘how much exercise do you really need to sustain weight loss?’ and helps us determine the true causes of obesity in the US. Right now, almost two-thirds of Americans are overweight, and by 2030 more than half of our population may be clinically obese. Childhood obesity has tripled, and most of them will […]

Causes of Cancer: Genetics vs. Lifestyle {Infographic}

In previous posts, we discussed the best anticancer foods, how one can slow the growth of cancer, and of the importance of antioxidants in cancer prevention. All of these posts talk about our lifestyle and environmental factors that can cause cancer. Perhaps, cancer is in our genes and we cannot do much to prevent it. If these foods can […]