Privacy Law and Legal Notice



Legal Notice

In accordance with Spanish Law 34/2002 regarding Spanish Information Society Services and electronic trade, you are now informed that this website is owned by NUTRINO HEALTH LTD, an Israeli company having its offices at HARAKEVET STREET 58, 6777016, TEL AVIV, ISRAEL, from now on Nutrino, being its subsidiary COMOCOMO EUROPA S.L. having its offices at PASEO BONANOVA Nº22 BLOQUE, 08022, BARCELONA, SPAIN, with ID B65837635 and registered at Barcelona’s COMERCIAL REGISTRY, number 1255. For any enquire, we can be reached by e-mail:, or phone 934189026


Privacy Policy

In accordance with Spanish Law 15/1999 (LOPD) regarding Personal Data Protection and the Spanish Royal Decree 1720/2007, this Privacy Policy explains how Nutrino collects and uses data. If not otherwise defined herein, capitalized terms have the meaning given to them in the Nutrino Terms of Use, which is available at (the “Terms”).

Nutrino respects your right to privacy. Your ability to make informed choices about the use of your information is important to us. This Privacy Policy explains Nutrino’s policies regarding the collection, use, disclosure and protection of any information we receive.


Information We Collect

In order to use our Services, you will be required either to provide us with certain Personal Information, such as your name and email and/or to log in through a social media account or Third-Party Application.

The Personal Information that you provide us through our Services will be collected by COMOCOMO EUROPA SL. COMOCOMO EUROPA, S.L can send the Personal Information and data collected to the rest of the group companies, including NUTRINO HEALTH LTD, or external suppliers in order to properly run the business and services provided.

We reserve the right to change methods of registration, logging on and/or use of our Services. “Personal Information” means information that can be directly associated with a specific person or entity such as a name, address, telephone number, or e-mail address. You may connect our Services to Third-Party Applications or third-party devices. If you use the Services by logging on through a social media account and/or a Third-Party Application or by connecting to a Third-Party Application or third-party device we may also receive personal information about you which is provided by such social network, Third-Party Application, and/or Third-Party Devices including information regarding health, lifestyle and exercise activities. Please check the policies of such social network, Third-Party Application and/or third-party devices in order to understand what information we receive. If we will enable direct payment through our Services, we will collect and store billing and credit card information. We also collect such information regarding your health, health goals, body measurements, allergies, activity level, taste in food, food intake, exercise, sleep, and feelings that you voluntarily provide us.

We collect the information that you provide if you answer the questions on the health tests provided on the Service, including answering questions about your age, date of birth, gender, ethnicity, dietary and health history, family health history, exercise history and body measurements.

We collect other information that you provide us by means of the Services, such as, without limitation, feedback and responses to recommended dishes, menus, recipes, packaged foods and restaurant meals, and when you make purchases of foods and/or reservations at restaurants.

It is your voluntary decision whether to provide us with any such Personal Information, but if you refuse to provide such information we may not be able to register you to use the Services.

We may also collect certain information automatically, such as information regarding your device, operating system, browser, and IP address, as well as information regarding your activities using the Services and your browsing history on our Site. We may use third party contractors to collect and aggregate this information.  For more information, please see under the heading “Cookies”.

We will collect data from Apple Health-Kit, to the extent you authorize us to use and receive that data. Such data may include, for example, information regarding your activity, nutrition and health collected by Apple Health Kit.


How we Protect Information

We follow generally accepted industry standards to protect the Personal Information submitted to us, both during transmission and once we receive it. No method of transmission over the Internet, or method of electronic storage, is 100% secure, however. Therefore, while we strive to use commercially acceptable means to protect your personal information, we cannot guarantee its absolute security. We will delete any information provided to us by a user upon the receipt of a written request by such user. We cannot restore information that we have deleted.

We use all information received in accordance with applicable law.


How we Use Information

Except as expressly set forth herein, we will not share your Personal Information with third parties without your explicit permission, except when required by law, regulation, subpoena or court order or in order to cooperate with an investigation by a law enforcement body or with other group companies or external providers when required by our business needs. We may use Personal Information internally – for example, to help diagnose problems with our servers, to make Nutrino more useful, or to customize Nutrino and personalize its content for you.

  • We use information that you provide us such as the information provided during registration, as well as results from health tests, from your use of the Services, your feedback and responses to recommended dishes, recipes, packaged foods and restaurant meals, your purchases of foods, as well as information obtained from any Third-Party Application and/or third-party devices, in order to allow you to track your food and exercise intake and to provide you with various kinds of nutritional and food recommendations, including recommendations and links to grocery retailers,  restaurants and other retailers. We also use such information in order to better understand your needs and interests and to personalize and improve your experience.
  • If you participate in any competition advertised on our Site and/or Services including by links we provide, and/or download a Third-Party Application and/or use a third-party device through which you connect to us and/or participate in the competition, we use the information provided by you, the third-party sites, the Third-Party Application and/or third-party device in order to allow your participation in the competition, to record your exercise levels and to provide you with prizes and/or with offers.
  • If you will wish to invite another person, who does not have an account with us, to register in order to use our Services, we may ask you to provide us with that person’s Personal Information, including his/her name and e-mail address and/or information from social media accounts in order to send him/her an invitation to use our Services. By providing us with this Personal Information, you are representing that you have been granted the right to share such Personal Information with us. We reserve the right to request more Personal Information regarding the person being invited. We will only use this provided Personal Information in order to contact the person in order to invite him/her to register for our Services. During the invitation process, the invited person might be provided with information regarding your e-mail account, phone ID, social media account details and/or other Personal Information.
  • We may share your information with third-party vendors who provide services to us or facilitate or evaluate the Services, such as shipping companies to fulfill orders, credit card processing companies billing for goods and services and e-mail service providers sending e-mails on our behalf. We may also authorize third-party vendors or service providers to collect information on our behalf.
  • We may share your Personal Information with business partners in the health, medical and/or fitness field with whom we may jointly offer products or services, or whose products or services may be offered on our Services, provided that you have authorized to share your Personal Information with such partners by using such third party products or services. You can tell when a third party is involved in a product or service because their name will appear, either alone or with ours. If you choose to use these products or services, we may share information about you, including your Personal Information, with those partners. Please note that we do not control the privacy practices of these third-party business partners.  If you wish to no longer allow that third party to use your information you may opt-out by contacting that third party directly.
  • If you were referred to the Site or Services from another site (for example, through a link you clicked on another site that directed you to this one), we may share some information about you with that referring website. We encourage you to review the privacy policies of any website that referred you here.
  • We may share your personal information with companies within our corporate family that are involved in operating or providing the Services. Our affiliates will follow practices that are at least as restrictive as the practices described in this Privacy Policy.
  • In addition, by analyzing all information we receive, including all information concerning users and their activities and choices, we may compile statistical information across a variety of platforms and users (“Statistical Information”). Statistical Information helps understand trends and customer needs so that new products and services can be considered and so existing products and services can be tailored to customer desires. Statistical Information is anonymous. We may share such Statistical Information with our partners, without restriction, on commercial terms that we can determine in our sole discretion. We also use a tool called “Google Analytics” to collect information about the use of the Site and/or Services. Google Analytics collects information such as how often users visit this Site, what pages they visit when they do so, and what other sites they used prior to coming to this Site.                                         Google Analytics collects only the IP address assigned to you on the date you visit this Site, rather than your name or other identifying information. We do not combine the information collected through the use of Google Analytics with personally identifiable information. We use the information we get from Google Analytics only to improve our Site and Services. We do not combine the information collected through the use of Google Analytics with personally identifiable information. Google’s ability to use and share information collected by Google Analytics about your visits to this Site is restricted by the Google Analytics Terms of Use located at and the Google Privacy Policy located at Please see the Google Analytics Terms of Use and the Google Privacy Policy for additional information.
  • The advertisements you see on the Services are served by us or by our service providers. But we also allow third parties to collect information about your online activities through cookies and other technologies. These third parties include (1) business partners, who collect information when you interact with one of their advertisements on our Services; and (2) advertising networks, which collect information about your interests when you interact with one of the advertisements they place on various websites on the Internet. The information gathered by these third parties is used to make predictions about your interests or preferences and to display advertisements on our sites and across the Internet tailored to your apparent interests. We do not permit these third parties to collect personal information about you (such as email address) on our Services, nor do we share with them any personal information about you Please note that we do not have access to or control over cookies or other technologies these third parties may use to collect information about your interests, and the information practices of these third parties are not covered by this Privacy Policy.



When you give feedback through Nutrino, by email or through other social media platforms or when you share the fact that you have registered or share meal plan options by means of social media platforms, please remember that any information disclosed in this venue may be automatically made public, and such information will not be considered Personal Information by Nutrino. You should exercise caution when disclosing any information (including Personal Information) in such a venue, as you do not know who will access or use such information and for what purposes.



A cookie is a small piece of text that is sent to a visitor’s browser. The browser provides this piece of text to the device of the originating visitor when this visitor returns. Nutrino uses cookies to help personalize your Nutrino experience. A “persistent” cookie may be used to help save your settings and customizations across Site visits. Also, if you log in to Nutrino, such a cookie will be used to recognize you as a valid user so you will not need to log in each time you use Nutrino. Most Web browsers are initially configured to accept cookies, but you can change this setting so your browser either refuses all cookies or informs you when a cookie is being sent. Also, you are free to delete any existing cookies at any time. Please note that some features of Nutrino may not function properly when cookies are disabled or removed. See our Cookie Policy for more information


Third Parties and Online Links to Other Sites

Nutrino users can link to other websites of third-parties that provide useful information/services. Any personal information you provide on the linked pages is provided directly to this third-party and is subject to that third-party’s provider’s privacy policy. Additionally, when you purchase groceries or restaurant services through one of our partners, you share your Personal Information directly with that partner and that partner’s privacy policy governs the collection and use of this information. We do not have access to the information collected by such partners. Except as described above, Nutrino is not responsible for the content or privacy practices of websites to which we link. Links from our Services to third-parties or other sites are provided for your convenience. We encourage you to learn about the privacy practices of each web site before providing them with personal information. We cannot be held responsible for any third-party websites or Third Party Applications and accessing their content will be subject to their own privacy policies, which again – we advise you to check.


Correcting or Updating your Information

Nutrino allows you to view the information you provided during registration and to alter any data, inaccuracies or errors.  To request such access, or correct, update, or amend your personal information please contact us at the following e-mail address, postal address or telephone number:


E-mail address:


Telephone number: 934189026


We will retain your information for as long as your account is active or as needed to provide you services.  If you wish to cancel your account or request that we no longer use your information to provide you services, please contact us at the e-mail address, postal address, or telephone number listed above. We will retain and use your information as necessary to comply with our legal obligations, resolve disputes, and enforce our agreements.



We may send you email messages about us or our products and services as well as email messages about products and services of selected third parties. By accepting the Terms of Service (including the terms of this Privacy Policy which are incorporated therein) or using the Site or the Services, you affirmatively consent to receive such commercial messages. As a registered member, you can remove your personal information from our mailing list and to stop receiving future communication from us by following the unsubscribe link located at the bottom of each communication or by emailing us at You will also be given the opportunity to unsubscribe from commercial messages in any such email we send.  Please note that we reserve the right to send you service related communications, including service announcements and administrative messages, relating either to your account or to your transactions on the Services, without offering you the opportunity to opt out of receiving them unless you cancel your account.


Use of Nutrino by Children

Nutrino does not knowingly collect Person Information from children under the age of 18. In the event you become aware that an individual under the age of 18 has enrolled without parental permission, please advise us immediately.


Other Uses or Transfer of Your Information

We will fully cooperate with any law enforcement authorities or court order requesting or directing us to disclose the identity, behavior or digital content of any user suspected to have engaged in illegal or infringing behavior.

In providing the Services, we may use subcontractors that are located in countries other than your own, and send them information we receive. For example, we may send your information to any countries outside the United States or the European Economic Area. All our subcontractors will be subject to non-disclosure and non-use obligations. Nevertheless, some countries may have levels of protection of personal and other information which are not as high as in your country of residence or business.

We may transfer our databases containing your Personal Information if we sell our business or part of it.


Nutrino may update this Privacy Policy from time to time and we encourage you to review it periodically.


Comments and Questions

 If you have any comments or questions about our privacy policy, please contact us at


Last updated: June 2017