The way we think about weight gain and obesity is flawed. Here’s why.

The problem of obesity is growing in western countries like never before [1]. Our three biggest killers: heart disease, cancer and strokes are strongly correlated with obesity. Today we will discuss a very difficult question: what drives the obesity epidemic? The premise of this post is that the way we typically think of weight gain […]

The Blood Type Diet Debunked

The blood type diet is diet that was promoted in the book Eat Right 4 Your Type by Dr. Peter D’Adamo. In the book it was claimed that the most important factor in determining a healthy diet is the person’s ABO blood type [1]. The diet became very popular in the late 90’s and the beginning of the new millennia. The […]

{Infographic} Why Fiber is a Fundamental Part of Your Diet

Even with a large body of research that shows fiber contributes to a human health, research shows that Americans are still not consuming the recommended amounts of fiber each day [1-2]. Are you getting enough fiber? Read on to learn all about what fiber is, why you need it, and where to find it in […]

Nutrition’s Biggest Problem: Conflicting Advice is Everywhere

Too much protein causes cancer. Don’t eat saturated fat. Well sometimes saturated fat is okay. Eggs cause hypertension. Eggs are actually a good source of protein and vitamins. Dairy is bad for you. Pescatarianism is better than vegetarianism. Fish has high levels of mercury, definitely don’t eat it. If you were to believe everything the […]

Obesity Prevention: 13 Effects of Obesity on Our Bodies {Infographic}

By 2030, it is estimated that 50% of Americans will be obese. In 1990, only 12% of the population was considered obese, rising to an incredible 35.7% in 2010. The rising obesity rate means that there can be as many as 5 million new cases of heart disease and stroke, as well as 6 million […]

Skipping Breakfast: What It’s Really Doing to Your Body

Personal Story: I really don’t like breakfast, breakfast foods just don’t do it for me. My mother often tried to just force some food down our throats in the morning, so that usually meant a strawberry frosted poptart, bagel with cream cheese, or a bowl of fruitloops. Not a healthy breakfast, but a breakfast nonetheless. […]

The True Causes of Obesity {Infographic}

Dr. Michael Gregor addresses ‘how much exercise do you really need to sustain weight loss?’ and helps us determine the true causes of obesity in the US. Right now, almost two-thirds of Americans are overweight, and by 2030 more than half of our population may be clinically obese. Childhood obesity has tripled, and most of them will […]

Here’s What Happened After Eating a Handful of Nuts Everyday

Nuts are packed with nutrients, but they are also packed with calories and fat. For example, only 14 walnut halves have 185 calories and 83% of their calories come from fat. Many people who are dieting choose to avoid nuts exactly for this reason. Lots of calories, lots of fat, so they are fattening, right? […]

Yogurt is a great source of priobitics

Priobiotics and Prebiotics: What They Are, Why You Should Eat Them, and Where to Find Them

You may have heard the terms probiotics and prebiotics and generally know they are good for you, what exactly do they do, and where are the good sources? Probiotics and prebiotics are important for digestion and preventing chronic diseases such as obesity and heart disease. What are probiotics and prebiotics? Probiotics are products that contain bacteria that […]