What Should Women Eat to Live Longer?

The Harvard Nurses’s Health Study is considered to be the largest and longest investigation ever done of factors that influence women’s health, including which foods were key to live longer. The study started in 1976 and involved more than 100,000 participants(!). Interestingly, the study is based on a competing risks analysis, which allows comparison between factors as diverse as […]

The Essential Guide to Iron and Anemia

Iron deficiency is the most widespread nutritional deficiency in the world. The World Health Organization estimates that 2 billion people (over 30% of the world’s population) are anemic, most of which due to iron deficiency [1]. So why is iron so important? What should you do to make sure you consume enough of it? Iron is an essential mineral (meaning […]

Nutrition’s Biggest Problem: Conflicting Advice is Everywhere

Too much protein causes cancer. Don’t eat saturated fat. Well sometimes saturated fat is okay. Eggs cause hypertension. Eggs are actually a good source of protein and vitamins. Dairy is bad for you. Pescatarianism is better than vegetarianism. Fish has high levels of mercury, definitely don’t eat it. If you were to believe everything the […]

Obesity Prevention: 13 Effects of Obesity on Our Bodies {Infographic}

By 2030, it is estimated that 50% of Americans will be obese. In 1990, only 12% of the population was considered obese, rising to an incredible 35.7% in 2010. The rising obesity rate means that there can be as many as 5 million new cases of heart disease and stroke, as well as 6 million […]

Slowing the Aging Process, But At What Cost?

We’ve all heard the mythical fountain of youth. You know, the legendary spring that restores the youth of anyone who drinks its water. The anti aging products and services industry is valued at more than 25o billion dollars. We’re not naive though, we know that no one can live forever. Yet we take ridiculous measures […]

Causes of Cancer: Genetics vs. Lifestyle {Infographic}

In previous posts, we discussed the best anticancer foods, how one can slow the growth of cancer, and of the importance of antioxidants in cancer prevention. All of these posts talk about our lifestyle and environmental factors that can cause cancer. Perhaps, cancer is in our genes and we cannot do much to prevent it. If these foods can […]

4 Tips to Reduce Your Stress Levels

Stress has an adverse affect on our health. When we are stressed out, the body produces several hormones, including the notorious ‘stress hormone’ cortisol. Cortisol increases blood sugar levels and suppresses the immune system. Long-term high levels of cortisol often cause abdominal fat to accumulate, elevate blood pressure and may even cause blood sugar imbalance. Stress […]

Yogurt is a great source of priobitics

Priobiotics and Prebiotics: What They Are, Why You Should Eat Them, and Where to Find Them

You may have heard the terms probiotics and prebiotics and generally know they are good for you, what exactly do they do, and where are the good sources? Probiotics and prebiotics are important for digestion and preventing chronic diseases such as obesity and heart disease. What are probiotics and prebiotics? Probiotics are products that contain bacteria that […]

This Video Will Make You Think Twice About You Eat

Brought to you by the Children’s Healthcare of Atlanta Strong4Life will make you think twice about you (and your children if you have any) put inside your body. As Jim, the character in this clip, gets taken to the hospital in his later years, he watches his life, and all of his eating decisions, flash in front […]