The True Causes of Obesity {Infographic}

Dr. Michael Gregor addresses ‘how much exercise do you really need to sustain weight loss?’ and helps us determine the true causes of obesity in the US. Right now, almost two-thirds of Americans are overweight, and by 2030 more than half of our population may be clinically obese. Childhood obesity has tripled, and most of them will […]

artificial food color

Artificial food colors

Artificial food colors (or color additives) are any dye, pigment or substance that imparts color when it is added to food or drink. Without color additives, colas wouldn’t be brown, margarine wouldn’t be yellow and mint ice cream wouldn’t be green. It is estimated that there are thousands of additives in our food supply [10]! Color additives are recognized as an important […]

brazil nuts

Brazil nuts: four a month for reduced cholesterol

The benefits of nuts are well-known, and more benefits are revealed constantly. Nuts (e.g. walnuts, almonds, macadamia nuts, brazil nuts and cashews) are a good source of protein, minerals and vitamin E. Nuts are also able to protect against DNA damage, suppress cancer growth and inflammation and reduce the risk of heart disease [3]. A new study revealed some crazy news about the connection between […]

What is the healthiest sweetener?

The healthiest sweetener

Sweeteners are an essential part of practically any cuisine. After all, in all traditions and cultures people enjoy the sweet taste of a good cake or a dessert. Sweeteners are usually simple carbs and don’t provide the body with any essential nutrients. However, if you had to use only one sweetener in the dessert you are making, what should it be? Which […]

best cooking method

What is the best cooking method?

What is the best cooking method to maximize nutrient consumption? Which are the gentlest cooking methods for preserving nutrients: baking, frying, boiling, microwaving, griddling or pressure cooking? It is well-known that most foods lose vitamins after you cook them, but which vegetables have more antioxidants cooked than raw? Which vegetable loses most of its nutrients when cooked and which vegetables increase in […]

How much soy is too much?

The recommended amount of soy consumption per day is a controversial issue. Different studies and organizations recommend different amounts. Should we avoid soy altogether? Or perhaps a little bit of soy is good for you? Or can we consume as much as we would like? How much soy is too much? To find the answers watch this 2-minute video […]