Announcing Nutrino 2.0

More than a year ago we released the first Beta of Nutrino, with the goal of helping people around the world to live healthier. Since then, we’ve been getting thousands of emails of people supporting our project, as well as requests for new features and functionalities. In the last 12 months we’ve been working around the clock to create the most advanced nutrition technology that is available in the market. Our goal was to take healthy living another step forward using all the inputs we got from you!

So what did people ask from us? And what does Nutrino 2.0 entails?

1. You asked to be able to log the food you eat so Nutrino takes it into account – you got it! Nutrino 2.0 includes hundreds of thousands of foods that you can log quickly and efficiently. The app even keeps track of your nutrients intake to assure your body gets what it needs.
2. You wanted better food recommendations – you got it! Nutrino 2.0 allows you to plan on demand, while the app takes into account food you ate before, your lifestyle, health goals, dietary needs and of course – your taste!

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3. Some sports addicts asked us to take their exercise regime into account – Nutrino 2.0 does exactly that! You can connect your favorite wearable device, fitness app or input your workout manually so Nutrino takes it into account and helps you eat right to achieve your health goal.
4. Hundreds of individuals asked us to support more health goals and dietary needs: Nutrino 2.0 includes 15 different health goals and dietary needs, including losing weight, reducing fat %, gaining muscle mass or weight, vegetarian options, vegan options, pescetarian, and 8 different food allergies!
5. Some of you mentioned it’s hard to plan ahead so many days in advance – no problem! Nutrino 2.0 let’s you plan on demand. Whenever you need a food recommendation, click on the magic button and Nutrino 2.0 will provide it for you. You can still plan as many days as you want ahead of time to create a healthy grocery list full of food your body loves!
6. Many of you love cooking and wanted a bigger variety of healthy recipes. Well, in Nutrino 2.0 you can enjoy thousands of healthy recipes tailored for your needs.

We also took the liberty of adding new functionalities beyond what you requested!

1. Need some motivation and guidance on healthy eating? The new Nutrino app includes a personalized coach that will guide you on the way to achieve your health goals. The personalized coach also includes health news as written by nutritionists, scientists and registered dietitians. We partnered with the International Food Information Council to have more posts on nutrition as well as with Dr. Michael Greger and from which you can get short videos that teach you about the latest in nutrition research! Both the IFIC and are non-profit organizations with the goal of communicating science based information on nutrition to the public. Remember, Nutrino will always be science-based. Your health is our first priority!

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2. Eating something on a regular basis? Just pin it and Nutrino 2.0 will take it into account so you don’t have to type it all over again.

3. Want to share a recipe you like with your friends? Nutrino 2.0 will let you do just that. Remember, sharing is caring and when it comes to health, sharing is even more so!

There was only one major thing you requested that we are still working on. People from around the world asked for recipes in different languages that will fit your culture and language. No worries – we are working on that. But we need your help so we can speed up this process! We invite you to email us recipe websites you like, with healthy recipes in your mother language. There are only three requirements: they have to be healthy, delicious and include nutritional values! With your help we can open Nutrino in new languages very soon. Please send your suggested recipe websites to – we would love to hear from you!


In the next few months, there are many new features and surprises coming up – so stay tuned! There is only one thing that should not surprise you as you are using the Nutrino app – you are going to get healthier, achieve your health goals and love your body!