7 Ways to Prevent Depression During Pregnancy {Infographic}

Last week, we released the Pregnancy Center powered by IBM Watson. With Watson’s cognitive computing technology and Nutrino’s nutrition insights platform, the center allows expecting mamas to receive personalized meal recommendations throughout the whole pregnancy, ask Watson any prenatal nutrition question, and receive weekly pregnancy tips.
Depression during pregnancy is relatively common, especially during the second and third trimesters [1]. Eating healthy is one way you can tackle it (selfish plug: Nutrino can help you do that). The team at Mom Junction has been there, and created this infographic for 7 things you can do to help curb and manage depression during pregnancy.
7 Measures To Tackle And Prevent Depression During Pregnancy
Courtesy of: MomJunction
[1] Bennett, Heather A., et al. “Prevalence of depression during pregnancy: systematic review.” Obstetrics & Gynecology 103.4 (2004): 698-709.