Top 10 Health Stories of 2015

Lots of things happened in 2015. Lots of things happen every year. With the New Year just around the corner, CNN’s Dr. Sanjay Gupta rounds up the top 10 health stories of 2015. Starting from 10 and counting down: 10. Major advancements in concussion and brain injury prevention. The new film Concussion, with Will Smith, […]

7 Ways to Prevent Depression During Pregnancy {Infographic}

Last week, we released the Pregnancy Center powered by IBM Watson. With Watson’s cognitive computing technology and Nutrino’s nutrition insights platform, the center allows expecting mamas to receive personalized meal recommendations throughout the whole pregnancy, ask Watson any prenatal nutrition question, and receive weekly pregnancy tips. Depression during pregnancy is relatively common, especially during the […]

Nutrino and IBM Introduce Watson-Powered Nutrition Recommendations for Expectant Moms-to-Be

Nutrino Inc. and IBM (NYSE: IBM) today announced the launch of the Nutrino App Powered by Watson (Nutrino App) to provide expectant mothers with real-time science-based, personalized and contextual nutrition advice. The Nutrino App combines Nutrino’s nutrition insights platform with Watson’s natural language capability and deep question and answer capability to offer personalized meal recommendations […]

Why Vegetarians Might Be Happier Than Their Meat Eating Friends

I’ve been surrounded by vegetarians my whole life. I lived with two vegetarians for two years, and was the sole meat eater in the house. My best friend in college fluctuated between a slim-jim eating omnivore to a strict vegan who ordered celery sticks and hummus at sports bars known for wings and mozzarella sticks. […]

Slowing the Aging Process, But At What Cost?

We’ve all heard the mythical fountain of youth. You know, the legendary spring that restores the youth of anyone who drinks its water. The anti aging products and services industry is valued at more than 25o billion dollars. We’re not naive though, we know that no one can live forever. Yet we take ridiculous measures […]