Bad nutrition: the world’s biggest killer

Every year the CDC (Center for Disease Control and Prevention) presents the latest leading causes of death in the United States. This includes a robust analysis of the causes of death, and their breakdown in different states, genders and populations [1]. The goal of this post is not to focus on this morbid statistics. As always in Nutrino, we […]

What is the healthiest sweetener?

The healthiest sweetener

Sweeteners are an essential part of practically any cuisine. After all, in all traditions and cultures people enjoy the sweet taste of a good cake or a dessert. Sweeteners are usually simple carbs and don’t provide the body with any essential nutrients. However, if you had to use only one sweetener in the dessert you are making, what should it be? Which […]

best cooking method

What is the best cooking method?

What is the best cooking method to maximize nutrient consumption? Which are the gentlest cooking methods for preserving nutrients: baking, frying, boiling, microwaving, griddling or pressure cooking? It is well-known that most foods lose vitamins after you cook them, but which vegetables have more antioxidants cooked than raw? Which vegetable loses most of its nutrients when cooked and which vegetables increase in […]